Tag Archives: thunar

Upgrading to thunar 1.6.2 in crunchbang

I switched to CrunchBang (#!) today. The debian-based distro is fast and everything installed effortlessly. Except I didn’t like thunar, the default file manager. Some googling revealed that despite #! comes with thunar 1.2.3, the 1.6 version is available with lots of new features including tab support. After some messing around, here’s how I installed thunar 1.6.2.

Setup siduction keyring:

wget http://packages.siduction.org/base/pool/main/s/siduction-archive-keyring/siduction-archive-keyring_2013.03.29_all.deb
dpkg -i siduction-archive-keyring_2013.03.29_all.deb
rm siduction-archive-keyring_2013.03.29_all.deb

Add this line to /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://ftp.spline.de/pub/siduction/xfcenext unstable main

Add the following to /etc/apt/preferences:

Package: thunar libthunarx-2-0 thunar-data
Pin: origin ftp.spline.de
Pin-Priority: 1200

And finally,

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install thunar

The new thunar looks much better. I might try this for a few days and consider moving to nautilus only as a last resort.